Upload new invitation records on your project and automatically send them if wanted.


Query String Parameters
sendInteger, OptionalSends the invitations successfully uploaded.
Value is either 1 or true.
Body JSON Parameters
[]Array[Object], RequiredArray of Invitation Objects.
Array count must be greater than 0.

Invitation Object Properties
NameString, RequiredName of the Recipient
EmailString, RequiredEmail of the Recipient.
Value must be a valid email address.
LanguageString, Project Specific *Code of the Language.
Value must be a valid language code.
AnswersObject, Project Specific *Prepopulated Answers.
Property names are the Question ID of the Answer Objects.
Values must be valid Answers.

Answer Object Properties
AnswerString, Project Specific *Main part of the Answer Object.
Requirement and Value depend on the Question it relates to.
Value must be a valid Answer.
CommentString, Project Specific *Comment associated with the Answer.
Requirement depends on the Question and Answer it relates to.
FlagInteger, Project Specific *Property used for “Not Applicable”.
Requirement depends on the Question it relates to.
If available, value is 1.

* Some of the properties requirements are specific to your project.

2 Invitations [No Language, No Answers]
[{"Name":"John Smith","Email":"john.smith@gmail.com"},{"Name":"Cristine Tee","Email":"cristine.tee@gmail.com"}]
2 Invitations [Language Optional, No Answers]
[{"Name":"John Smith","Email":"john.smith@gmail.com","Language":"en_NZ"},{"Name":"Cristine Tee","Email":"cristine.tee@gmail.com"}]
2 Invitations [Language Required, No Answers]
[{"Name":"John Smith","Email":"john.smith@gmail.com","Language":"en_NZ"},{"Name":"Cristine Tee","Email":"cristine.tee@gmail.com","Language":"fr_FR"}]
2 Invitations [Language Required, Question #12345 Optional]
[{"Name":"John Smith","Email":"john.smith@gmail.com","Language":"en_NZ","Answers":{"12345":{"Answer":"4","Comment":"Good Times!"}}},{"Name":"Cristine Tee","Email":"cristine.tee@gmail.com","Language":"fr_FR"}]
2 Invitations [Language Required, Question #12345 Required]
[{"Name":"John Smith","Email":"john.smith@gmail.com","Language":"en_NZ","Answers":{"12345":{"Answer":"4","Comment":"Good Times!"}}},{"Name":"Cristine Tee","Email":"cristine.tee@gmail.com","Language":"fr_FR","Answers":{"12345":{"Flag":1}}}]


HTTP Status CodeTypeDescriptionBody JSON Parameters
200SuccessPartial or Complete Upload Successful
UploadObject, RequiredUpload Process Summary
SendObject, OptionalSend Process Summary.
Only present if the send query String parameter was present in the request.
Only contains 1 property Counts.

Upload Object Properties
CountsObject, RequiredUpload Process Summary
RecordErrorsArray[Object], OptionalArray of ErrorsOfRecord Objects.
Only present if Upload.Counts.Fail is greater than 0.
If present, Array count is greater than 0.

Upload.Counts Object Properties
RequestInteger, RequiredNumber of Records requested to be uploaded.
Value is greater than 0.
SuccessInteger, RequiredNumber of Records successfully uploaded.
Value is greater than 0.
FailInteger, RequiredNumber of Records which fail to be uploaded.
Value is greater than or equal to 0.

ErrorsOfRecord Object Properties
IndexInteger, RequiredIndex of Record.
Value is greater than or equal to 0.
ErrorsArray[String], RequiredArray of String Errors.
Array count is greater than 0.

Send.Counts Object Properties
RequestInteger, RequiredNumber of Records requested to be uploaded.
Value is greater than 0.
SuccessInteger, RequiredNumber of Records successfully uploaded.
Value is greater than 0.
FailInteger, RequiredNumber of Records which fail to be uploaded.
Value is greater than or equal to 0.

Complete Upload of 3 Invitations
Partial Upload of 3 Invitations
{"Upload":{"Counts":{"Request":3,"Success":2,"Fail":1},"RecordErrors":[{"Index":2,"Errors":["'Name' not found.","'Email' is invalid."]}]}}
Complete Upload of 3 Invitations [Send Requested] & Complete Send
Complete Upload of 3 Invitations [Send Requested] & Partial Send
Partial Upload of 3 Invitations [Send Requested] & Complete Send
{"Upload":{"Counts":{"Request":3,"Success":2,"Fail":1},"RecordErrors":[{"Index":2,"Errors":["'Name' not found.","'Email' is invalid."]}]},"Send":{"Counts":{"Request":2,"Success":2,"Fail":0}}}
Partial Upload of 3 Invitations [Send Requested] & Partial Send
{"Upload":{"Counts":{"Request":3,"Success":2,"Fail":1},"RecordErrors":[{"Index":2,"Errors":["'Name' not found.","'Email' is invalid."]}]},"Send":{"Counts":{"Request":2,"Success":1,"Fail":1}}}
400ErrorBad Request Syntax
MessageString, RequiredMore information
401ErrorAuthentication Failure
MessageString, RequiredMore information
403ErrorForbidden Action
MessageString, RequiredMore information
405ErrorHTTP Method Issue
MessageString, RequiredMore information
415Error‘Content-Type’ Header Issue
MessageString, RequiredMore information
422ErrorBody Issue
MessageString, OptionalWrongly Formatted or Empty
UploadObject, OptionalOnly present if Message is not

Upload Object Properties
CountsObject, RequiredUpload Process Summary
RecordErrorsArray[Object], RequiredArray of ErrorsOfRecord Objects.
Array count is greater than 0.

Upload.Counts Object Properties
RequestInteger, RequiredNumber of Records requested to be uploaded.
Value is greater than 0.
SuccessInteger, RequiredNumber of Records successfully uploaded.
Value is 0.
FailInteger, RequiredNumber of Records which fail to be uploaded.
Value is equal to Upload.Counts.Request.

ErrorsOfRecord Object Properties
IndexInteger, RequiredIndex of Record.
Value is greater than or equal to 0.
ErrorsArray[String], RequiredArray of String Errors.
Array count is greater than 0.

Body from Request was an empty JSON []
{"Message":"JSON is empty."}
None of 3 Invitations Uploaded
{"Upload":{"Counts":{"Request":3,"Success":0,"Fail":3},"RecordErrors":[{"Index":0,"Errors":["'Language' is an empty string."]},{"Index":1,"Errors":["'222' is not a set."]},{"Index":2,"Errors":["'Name' not found.","'Email' is invalid."]}]}}